Just a bump in the road...

"With God, all things are possible" Matthew, Chapter 19, Verse 26

Monday, August 26, 2013


Hello, Family and Friends,

Well....some of you ask me all the time what 's going on and I say the same ole same ole, Still dealing with 4 cm and yet another pet scan after the next.
I haven't posted to the blog in a long time because there wasn't anything new to report. I've been going through "costly" pet scans every 6 months for the last year and a half and every time no change. The Lymphoma was remaining the same and still lighting up. Which meant active, but not growing.  In February of this year after the last pet scan the oncologist said the intensity had gone down some so lets try a CT Scan instead of a PET Scan (take a picture instead of the nuclear sugar test) & see if we can physically look at it and determine what we are dealing with.
I had that last Monday August 19th, and met with Dr. Badias this morning one week later to find out the results.
Kevin couldn't to with me because of a meeting he would't get out of. So I went by myself. I was extremely nervous for some reason. Couldn't eat before just out of nervousness. The nurse weighted me and said I had lost 4 pounds. That surprised me since I feel like I've gained weight. Blood pressure 120/80. good for being nervous I thought.

The doctor finally came in & started asking the the routine questions. How am I feeling, how am I sleeping etc etc. And I thinking oh geez it's still the same.... Crap
Then he hit me with it. I believe that the CT Scan came back that the mass is a scar tissue and calcification of the tumor. I felt like the room froze and all time stood still for a couple of minutes. 
OH....MY.....GOD...I started shaking and was afraid to ask but did anyways. 
What does that mean? Am I in remission? And he said YES! It's as close as we're going to get I think. We're going to check you again in 1 year & see what it's doing. But I'm very comfortable with telling you it's in remission. You ended your chemo and radiation the first part of 2011 and your tumor has remained the same until now. 
FINALLY I'm cancer free. I can remove my port in 1 year from now. 
HALLELUJAH PRAISE GOD!! Thank you ALL for your continued prayers and words of encouragement these last couple of years. 

I'm now going on a weight lost plan to take of the steroid lbs that I got too comfortable carrying around.  And get back into some of my favorite clothes hanging in my closet.
I'm playing on a new tennis team. This team is truly a "family" filled with encouraging teachers. My game has improved 10 fold since joining them. I play 4 days a week, one of them my league night. 
Work is crazy busy. I'm putting in a lot of extra hours trying to catch up. But I'm blessed with doing a job that I love and work with people I look forward to seeing everyday. Thank goodness for the building business had been steadily picking up for some time now. Which is good for all of us. 
I pay off my car in Oct. YAY only 2 more payments. Then hopefully I can get the hospital bills payed off as well. The scans are just stupid expensive. Now it'll only be once a year instead of every 6 months! Relief! I couldn't imagine not having insurance and going through this mess. 

Prayer for healing works, it just takes it's time some times...
So until next scan...
Make it a great day!
Love you all,