Just a bump in the road...

"With God, all things are possible" Matthew, Chapter 19, Verse 26

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

It's Shrunk!

Yesterday started early. 7:30 dropped off the jeep for it's 18K tune up (by the book for warranty)
Then off to MD Anderson for labs @ 8:00 and meet with Dr. Baidas at 8:45.
When he walked into the room I knew it was going to be good news. He was wearing a smile ear to ear. Or at least that's what I saw. He's a very serious doctor.
He sat down and started reading that the tumor has shrunk down from 11.5 cm to 3.65 x 3.11 x 3.34 cm!! AND the ones in my back are completely resolved! GONE.... Findings are consistent with s significant response to the chemo therapy. Quoting him.
He thought the one in my belly would be smaller by now. Kevin and I were elated that there been SO much shrinkage.
He said it's being stubborn.

Where we go from here....

We complete the 6 therapy's for one. But after the fourth chemo he wants to do another Pet Scan. If it's still there. He'll do one of two things. Increase the therapy to two more or radiate the area. I think it's going to be significantly smaller and they won't have to do anymore than the 6 originally diagnosed.
So I have to thank you all for the prayers and support, because there working! Clearly!

Chemo was only 5 hours this time because I had to get my labs done on another floor earlier so the doctor could read them before we met with him. One of my counts were down by one point but the nurse said it was still safe to do the treatment.
I slept pretty much the whole time, this time. That probably had something to do with getting up so early to shower, do Dillion's insulin and eat breakfast. Kevin studied the entire time. The class he's taking is extremely difficult. It seems that's all he does is study.

We went to Krissy's on Sunday for a going away party for Rachael's (2009 Ms. Florida) She's moving to Nashville with her older brother and finish college. She's been casted in a few exercise videos. Not a huge surprise. She got abs of steal. The house was filled with family and friends and a lot of Rachael's beautiful girlfriends. We had a huge cookout with more food I've seen in forever. The kids (of age) and some older adults played beer pong and flip cup on the back porch. Which didn't get loud like my neighbor's when he has party's. There were some on the trampoline and some just hanging out talking both inside and out. It was a really nice day. Kevin's family hadn't seen me since I'd been diagnosed & started treatments so they had all sorts of questions. Which you know me, I was all to happy to answer. We were there until 7:30 & I didn't get tired at all.
It was a great day!
Off to work,
Make it a great day!
Love, Patsy

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hello My Freinds

It's been a while since I've blogged. Several people have asked me what's been going on.
Well, since my hair fell out, I've been doing really well! I haven't felt nauseated at all. The third day after the chemo I have an uncomfortable day in my stomach or back. But that goes away after a day.
My nurses & doctors have my med's layered so well that I don't get sick at all. Or so far, so good. They say it builds up in your system so we'll see what happens later, but I'm not worrying about it. It will be what it will be. I will let you know. The only side effect is hair loss. And I'd much rather have no hair than be sick.

Work has been slow but by the grace of God I've had customer's coming in to do small projects. And Kathi & I are working on a huge house that the lighting package is the value of my whole house. Now that's crazy in this economy but I'm not complaining! They're stimulating it as far as I'm concerned.

I've just had my house cleaned last Monday YAY! It's an organization called "Cleaning for a reason" It's a christen based company that only takes 50 customers at a time. My friend Michelle that lives over on the coast sent me the information. And my wonderful husband kept going into the site everyday until an opening finally came open and an application popped up. They are cleaning company's spread out all over Florida. The company "Covenant Cleaning Services" owned by Shelly Powell. After coming over to interview me and look at the house she sent two girls over and they were here for 4 hours. I walked in to a fresh clean smelling house, what a feeling!
I have the service once a month for 4 months which means throughout the chemo treatments. What a blessing! Thank you to Michelle & Kevin for making it happen. Mostly because there are things I can't do while going through the chemo.
Kevin has stepped up to the plate and done whatever I can't do & more. He is my rock.
My days are long and I get tired. But I love what I do and wouldn't trade it for anything. Well....maybe the lottery--Ha Ha--

I went to the Eden Spa this past Tuesday for a "wig" fitting. I have up to this point not wanted to do the wig thing. Just because I thought they'd be hot and uncomfortable. That was my mind set when I went to the appointment. Which Linda Pellegrini set up for me. (one of my custom builders).
Well after the education class about how they are made, hand tied and see through (the top) and light as air. I'm leaning on going with one. The stuff I always heard was they were thick and hot and just laid on top of your head. Quite the contrary. They are really like your real hair. My insurance (cancer policy) pays $200.00 toward it and she said I could make payments toward the balance. Can't beat that.
Kevin thinks I should get one because when we go out to dinner or function, I would not stand out wearing a scarf or hat. He's always think about how I feel. It's fine when I'm at home. I walk around bald at home and he could care less. He calls me his incredible edible egg.

I played tennis last week. I was ruff for not playing for so long. But my tennis friends are very forgiving and patient. I played again last night and was back to myself. I played for 2-1/2 hours and loved it! I'm planing on playing again tomorrow night. I want to get in as much as possible while this weather is so wonderful and before my next chemo.

I had lunch with my "Hot Chicks" on Sunday afternoon. And had a wonderful time with Franki, and her two baby's, Pam and Mary. It was a really nice day.
The last couple of Sundays we've gone to the Maitland Open Market and walked the lake, picked up some plants and fresh veggies. Last Sunday we met Jennifer, Hensley and Peter. We fed the turtles and ducks bread and watched Hensley get all excited. The weather has been so beautiful. They have live music that changes week to week. It's really nice early in the morning before it gets hot. The arts festival is coming in a couple of weeks. It's such a nice location circling the lake. We all will definitely be there.

I had a pet scan yesterday. I will get the results next Monday when I go in for my third Chemo. But I already know that the tumor has shrunk because I'm not in pain. I'm not on pain meds anymore. He wants to see how much it's gone down. He also said shrinkage doesn't shorten my Chemo treatments. I will have all 6 Chemo's. Which last through November.
I just wanted to let you all know I'm doing unbelievably well so far. I feel good, healthy and strong.
Until next time,
Make it a great day!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Good afternoon everyone!
Phase two is complete. My hair has officially fallen out. I hadn't washed my hair in 3 days because it was coming out little by little. My doctor said it would fall out in approximately 2-3 weeks maybe 4. And on the way to work on Wednesday I was fixing it in the rear view mirror and my fingers came away with some hair between them. That's when I called Kevin and told him it was beginning. So I washed it that next morning and basically patted it down in to a helmet which I continued for the next two days. Saturday at work it was driving me crazy all day. I felt that it was just laying on top of my head. Some hair was in at the root and the other where being held in by those few. I called Kevin on the way home and told him that "tonight is the night". I got home and immediately took a shower. When I touched my head with my hand, it just rolled off. It's hard to explain. But one thing was for sure. It felt SO good to be getting it off. The itching was driving me nuts! Long pieces came off easily and shaved the remainder as close as he could. Kevin took a pictures of it in my hands.(pictured below) So today, we went to the farmers market at Lake Lily and I wore a hat I made a while back. It's a little big (and hot) but it did the job. We walked around, ate some fresh dumplings, I got some boiled peanuts and we also bought some green tomatoes to make fried green tomatoes for lunch. I go in for my second Chemo on Tuesday. So far so good! Love to you all and Make it a great day! Patsy