Hello everyone,
Thank you for visiting my blog. Kevin and I decided this would be the easiest way to keep you all informed on this season of our life.
First, my prognosis. I have been diagnosed with Stage 2 type B-cell lymphoma. This was discovered during a routine exam with my primary doctor. She found a mass in the stomach area. I then had an ultra sound followed by a CAT scan. The doctor decided based on the CAT scan that we needed a biopsy to determine what we were dealing with. I received a call on Wednesday confirming that is was malignant. My doctor called to say it was a 9 x 9 cm tumor, the size of a mango. (These were my words not theirs.) She feels it is isolated and not attached to any other organs but, we will do a PET scan to reveal that.
Kevin and I went to see the Oncologist yesterday and after a three hour session which included blood tests, bone marrow extraction (including bone) we were told I needed chemo therapy for six months.
The good news is that it is treatable and the oncologist said there is a 70-80% chance that they can shrink or eliminate it ! He also said the prognosis for the future looked good, with a 40-50% success rate. I will begin treatments of Chemo therapy starting on the the 16th of August for a period of six months. We will post all news as it becomes available, Please sign on to this Blog to keep up to date. We will have the Blog posted on the phone as we will be a little busy to answer phone calls and emails.
Tkank you for your understanding and prayers.
And as always, "Make it a great day." (Because it is what you make it)
Love Patsy
Faith in Him will get you through this. You are in my prayers.
My Dear Patsy
We will pray for you until you are cured completely.Prayer is a powerful tool we are all blessed with,so We intend to use it as long as we are able to do so.
Hey Lady,
I have been thinking about you since Jamie told me the news and without question you are in our prayers. Granted I have some experience with the "C" word but we are all different and so is this disease. All I can say is do what feels right to you and only you and I found it helped to have a sense of humor. I didn't realize that my head was shaped just like my Dad's until all my hair fell out and then he could finally say he had more hair than one of his kids! You certainly have the right attitude.Your Massachusetts family is thinking of you!
You are on my daily prayer list. Lots of hugs & kisses to you!
I know that you have the faith to embrace this challenge and I am believing for a full recovery. Corwin and I are both standing with you and Kevin during this season of your lives. Hope you plan to keep a journal of your conversations with the Father as He leads you through this valley.
Love to both of you.
Patsy (and Kevin)...
I love that you are sharing this season of your life with us...you will see how many people truly care about you and will be there with you through thick and thin. I am moved but not surprised at your incredible 'head on' and straight forward approach...you both are special that way.
I have missed seeing you both and I am sorry you are going through this but you are in my thoughts and I will certainly ask our AMAZING Creator of Life to see you through!
Tina Fernandez
Hey Patsy, sorry to hear this, but you are a vibrant strong woman and you will overcome this as you have overcomed other things in the past. You are always in my prayers everyday. If there is anything I can do just let me know. Love you lots always. Nancy.
Hey sweet pea - Thinkin about ya' - Prayin' for ya - Lovin Ya' See ya on the courts :)
P.S. Kevin... you too sweet potato
Love you guys!
Thinking of you sending you strength. Love you lots.
hey tootie fruitie just checkin in' - talkin' to God - and liftin' you up.... always speakin' the positive into existence.... your on my mind and in my heart...
Thinking of you and sending you light and love......
Sending you light and love and wishing you dance. Love you lots.
Yea! I finally figured out how to blog on here! Hope you get this....
I continue to lift you up in my prayers and as has already been said ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD! You are a strong woman of faith and God uses all things for his glory. Keep the faith and know I am thinking of you tonight and everyday.
Love you Patsy
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