Just a bump in the road...

"With God, all things are possible" Matthew, Chapter 19, Verse 26

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A new haircut.

Patsy got a short haircut to prepare for the hair loss she will experience during Chemo. She said, "I might as well get used to it being short." From what we've heard, one month after she finishes treatments (six months from now) her hair will start to grow back. And, it might be very different. Might be pretty cool:)

In the meantime we found some cool places that sell great hats. Patsy's not into the wigs so we'll probably go with that.

Also! Patsy's bone marrow test came back and it was clear! That was some great news! Now onto the PET scan which will let us know if the upper part of her body is clear as well. If so, we only have to treat the tumor itself!

I was teaching at Full Sail yesterday and I started the class by telling them about Patsy. During a break in class a student came to me and said "I'd like to pray for you and your wife." I said "Thank you, and if you have a prayer group please add us." I thought he meant he'd pray later. He just stood there and looked at me. I said " Did you mean now?" He said "If that's alright with you." I said "Okay, sure" Before he started he said "I suck at this." But then he began one of the most thoughtful, heartfelt prayers I'd ever heard." When he was finished I said "Thank you." As he walked away I said "And by the way, you don't suck at that at all." He smiled and walked out the door.


Unknown said...


This haircut looks adorable!
Thinking of you.

Love you,


Unknown said...

You look gorgeous, always have, always will. My mens bible study group was praying for you this morning and will continue to lift your name to the Father...the mango doesn't have a chance. Karen and I love you dearly and offer ourselves to anything you might need or want. I see God using this "bump in the road" to build a mountain of faith. Loving you, Nick & Karen

Tammy said...

Hi Patsy. You and I don't know one another, but I am an old theatre friend of Kevin's in LA. I will be following your journey into the cancer world. Our son was 14 when he battled stage 3 cancer (mass the size of a canteloupe) sitting on his heart pressing in his right lung. He is now 20 yrs old and 5 yrs in remission. It was a stange world we enter for his 6 month battle, and an addtional yr. after to thaw out emotionally. You will met the most amazing people- the doctors and particulary the nurses. Go online and try to find others with the same cancer. Learn everything that you can about your kind of cancer. Ask a zillion and one questions. Go online and look for clinical trials around the USA. Call or email some of the top dr. around the USA that specialize in this kind of cancer and ask if the protocol that you are being put on is what they would do. Write down everything you learn, every bit of meds they put you on. 5 yrs later I needed to pull up some info for our kid, about a med. he took. Chart your lab results (of course all of this should be done with the help of your great fella!) And ask everyone around you for help. Everyone wants so badly to do something- pick up your cleaners, do your shopping and cooking, etc- everyone wants to help. Our kid lost every single hair on his body, but his hair came back double the thickness and in big beatiful curls. I have a friend in Chicago who might have had the same exact kind of cancer as you. I will email her, and if it is the same- I am going to have her get in touch with you via Kevin's #, which I think I have. As frightening as this next chapter in your life is- get ready to kick some ass and fight! Consider me part of your team! Tammy and family

Unknown said...

Patsy, am thinking of you, praying for you and I love the haircut! It shows off your beautiful face even more! Love you! Barb from KC

Gunning said...

We know you will pull through this time in your life.
You have a great husband and the best doctors.
You are strong woman, determined, and loved.

Love Paul and Aki

Mini Mama said...

Just read your email and I love how you are being straight-forward about this. Of course my heart goes out to you and I will be praying. Your attitude is so awesome, but I would expect nothing less from you, my dear friend! You are the most positive person I know and this will serve you well in the coming weeks. Please let me know if there's something I can do to make the journey easier. Love you, Mary

ButterflySunshine said...

Stay strong, fight hard and allow yourself to be encompassed in the love that we are all sending your way.

Anonymous said...

Just want you know -Our hearts & prayers are with you. We pray the Father gives you fresh insight & revelation during this time that will carry you through to the finish of your treatment. Father carry them safely through this fire by the power of your Love.

We love guys- we're always here if you need anything.
Caron & David

Anonymous said...

Patsy - I am so happy to see that smile of yours - that is part of the formula for success - and the hair is WONDERFUL! Once school is back in session - I will "in" more, so please let me know if you want some company - will be happy to come and laugh some with you! Lots of {HEARTS}...Bilynda

Anonymous said...

Hi Patsy!

I'm sorry I've not been around on the courts with you - I'd say it's been a crazy summer, but my life is calm compared to what you are dealing with. I will keep you in my thoughts and I hope to see you on the courts again soon.



Anonymous said...

I love the short haircut, you have a great face! How encouraging was that student prayer testament! There are so many wonderful kids out there! We will continue to keep this prayer chain going!
Love to you, Lynn, @ Kay Green Design

karen said...

Patsy, you should have gotten your treatment now and we are praying you did make the 7 hours, we will be praying that what you endured all day will bring great results!
God will give you the strength for these next few days just lean on Him. we love you Nick and Karen