"With God, all things are possible" Matthew, Chapter 19, Verse 26
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Chemo Day One
Well,yesterday started at 9 a.m. for check in. The chemo room is chosen by a random computer spin. The rooms are glassed in walls with pane windows with blinds. The rooms are all on a curved wall that circles the entire floor. The chairs for the patient are recliners with a chair for the visitor. The rooms have four patient chairs with a nurse in the middle who checks vitals throughout the procedure. We were escorted to our room by a nurse assistant. She explained the lunch menu and beverages available for the day. Then she told us about the fresh sugar free cookies the volunteers would bake and bring around for snacks. Then she left to grab a selection of gifts. One was a beautiful quilted blanked made by "the quilting ladies". The other was a large bag for carrying my "stuff" for my visits along with an insulated mug for water. I then met the nurse who explained the process for accessing the port in my chest. She then sprayed a very COLD numbing spray and inserted the needle that had butterfly wings (ha-ha). She took a vial of blood and then flushed my port. She took the vial of blood and told me it would be a half hour for the blood count to come back from the lab. It came back and of course everything was perfect! She then showed me each of the IV bags and made sure I saw they all had my name on them. Then she started me on the first IV fluid which was the Benzedrine and some other anti nausea medications. Then after that we began the chemo. During that time she increased my IU's every thirty minutes. I started at 50 units and increased to 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 and finally 350. It will take less time next time because we will now start at 300 or 400 to see what I can take. I kept myself busy the entire time talking with other patients who had breast cancer or lung cancer. They told me stories and I explained mine. Everyone was really nice and positive. I also started a ball of yarn to begin more crochet. If I had to go to the bathroom I simply wheeled the IV bags with me. The nurse told me I could take a walk down the hallways if I wanted which reminded me of the movie Bucket List where Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson walk around with their IV stands. I had to laugh at that. There was a TV and headset for me and Kevin brought his laptop to do some work stuff. Kevin was patient for the seven hour day grinning at me from his chair. I was thankful for that (yes the grinning too) that he was able to get some valuable work done while waiting so many hours with me. Finally we started the next series of IV's which took us all the way to 5:30 p.m. Eight hours later, we left the hospital. It was a very long day but, I'm better for the experience. We finished the day at home where we met my sister after dinner. I talked with my nephews about what I was going through to clear up any confusion they might have. My mother brought over a hand made quilt she made for me and we laughed and talked. So, that's it for now. Please stay in touch. I love your prayers and wonderful comments. Kevin has taught me how to upload pictures and type in my comments so I will update as often as possible. Take care and remember to make it a great day!
I'm sure that this started off as a scary and nerve racking day but to hear you describe it you were practically at the spa. I'm so glad day one is behind you and your insanely positive attitude is still in tact.
I was so glad to see that your treatment went well yesterday. I was thinking about you all day. Our family will be praying for you. I know your positive attitude will help see you through this!
Hi Patsy, This is Kathy's Mother-in-law, Tommie's mother (of course) :) I just wanted you to know that you are in my prayers, I know God will see you through this. I love your first day description, you are so postive and would be a great inspiration to anyone reading it.
I'm sure that this started off as a scary and nerve racking day but to hear you describe it you were practically at the spa. I'm so glad day one is behind you and your insanely positive attitude is still in tact.
Hi Patsy,
I was so glad to see that your treatment went well yesterday. I was thinking about you all day. Our family will be praying for you. I know your positive attitude will help see you through this!
Hi Patsy, This is Kathy's Mother-in-law, Tommie's mother (of course) :) I just wanted you to know that you are in my prayers, I know God will see you through this. I love your first day description, you are so postive and would be a great inspiration to anyone reading it.
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