Just a bump in the road...

"With God, all things are possible" Matthew, Chapter 19, Verse 26

Sunday, August 22, 2010

First Week

Good morning everyone,

Well it's Sunday morning, and the first week since the Chemo last Monday. And no nausea, YAY! My doctors and nurses have me taking my nausea medicine a combo of layers so that doesn't happen. Or so, we hope not. I've had some stomach twisting and turning this week (like a washcloth being wrung out) But my thinking is that's just the Chemo twisting out that cancer! At least that's what I'm sticking with. I've worked all week, not full days but enough for a paycheck. And as long as I can "stomach" the issues I will continue too. I slept 11 hours last night. I came home and my husband and I prepared dinner together. And I promptly fell asleep on the couch for a hour or so and finally went to bed at 8:30 and slept until 7:15 this morning. See I am listening to my body and stopping when it tells me too! It's a beautiful Sunday morning. Looking forward to spending it with my husband walking around the Renneger's Extravaganza just outside of Mt. Dora. I'm sure we'll walk around downtown Mt. Dora and take in the whole experience.
Hope your having wonderful weekend.
Love to all of you and,
...Make it a great day!


Unknown said...

Love reading your wonderful positive words! The prayers will continue each day for you! Love, Steph

Anonymous said...

Patsy, your are the best and bravest person I know and how lucky you are to have Kevin and all those friends praying for you. Thank You for sharing your experience with us. Please know that Scot and I are thinking and praying for you everyday. I will continue to send you and Kevin some funny jokes via e-mail, hopefully to at least put a smile on your face. Your friends from BUFFALO, NY. In LOVE and FRIENDSHIP. GAIL & SCOT KISH