Just a bump in the road...

"With God, all things are possible" Matthew, Chapter 19, Verse 26

Monday, September 6, 2010

Good afternoon everyone!
Phase two is complete. My hair has officially fallen out. I hadn't washed my hair in 3 days because it was coming out little by little. My doctor said it would fall out in approximately 2-3 weeks maybe 4. And on the way to work on Wednesday I was fixing it in the rear view mirror and my fingers came away with some hair between them. That's when I called Kevin and told him it was beginning. So I washed it that next morning and basically patted it down in to a helmet which I continued for the next two days. Saturday at work it was driving me crazy all day. I felt that it was just laying on top of my head. Some hair was in at the root and the other where being held in by those few. I called Kevin on the way home and told him that "tonight is the night". I got home and immediately took a shower. When I touched my head with my hand, it just rolled off. It's hard to explain. But one thing was for sure. It felt SO good to be getting it off. The itching was driving me nuts! Long pieces came off easily and shaved the remainder as close as he could. Kevin took a pictures of it in my hands.(pictured below) So today, we went to the farmers market at Lake Lily and I wore a hat I made a while back. It's a little big (and hot) but it did the job. We walked around, ate some fresh dumplings, I got some boiled peanuts and we also bought some green tomatoes to make fried green tomatoes for lunch. I go in for my second Chemo on Tuesday. So far so good! Love to you all and Make it a great day! Patsy


vic said...

Well....you will save on trips to the hair-stylist. I had a friend who went through a similar cancer treatment for a tumor in her stomach. Her hair grew back thicker and curly after she finished with chemo. Stay strong but know that its OK to cry too. Praying for a lion's heart for you.
Vicki hugs

Tammy Kaitz said...

Patsy- I'm sure you look lovely! I think the anticipation of the hair loss is worse than the actually moment when you say- it's falling out, might as well shave it off!

I reread your posts the other day. Is the pain in your stomach lessoning with the chemo? Hope so!

Keep up the fight!
Sending good thoughts,
Tammy and family

Anonymous said...

Continue to lead with that courageous heart of yours! Love you guys ...~K-Mo

Susan Abbe said...

Hi Patsy,
My breath stopped when I saw this picture! But then, as I read your blog, your attitude and strength continue to inspire us all! I have no doubt that you are sporting the hats with great fashion!
My thoughts and prayers are always with you!
Love you,
Susan Abbe

Unknown said...

How are you doing? Hope all is well. Our church service today was about obedience. I can't think of a better example than you! Still praying for you in all this and always.
Barb from KC