Just a bump in the road...

"With God, all things are possible" Matthew, Chapter 19, Verse 26

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A week of tests...

Patsy has been through a lot this week. She had an EKG, a Mammogram, a MUGA scan, which is a test to evaluate the function of the right and left ventricles of the heart.

She also had a power port (image to the left) implanted yesterday. This device was surgically put in to allow the chemo to be put directly into the arteries as opposed to using veins. The veins would eventually collapse from over use so this helps alleviate that.

Next week she will have a PET scan. The PET scan takes an image of the cellular function of the human body. This helps the physician to get a more complete picture of the cancer and diagnose the problem and treatment.

Patsy is positive as usual and going to work this morning. She is a strong woman. Keep the prayers coming! Patsy reads the Blog daily and loves hearing from everyone.


Unknown said...

Patsy, I cannot imagine all that you are going through. I'm so glad you are a believer, though. Jesus will help you through this. I'll keep praying and praying and praying. I know HE will bring good from this. Love you, Barb from KC

Tammy said...

The port works great. Dylan had one during his cancer journey as well. Remember to have Kevin put numbing cream on (can't remember what it's called)with a certain kind of band aid (the nurses should be able to give your some) -do this before leaving for the hospital before getting poked. The numbing cream works great!

Stay strong and fight the fight!
All the best- Tammy and Family